Elder Law Lawyers in Storrs, CT Can Help Clients Plan for the Future

by | Nov 14, 2016 | Lawyers

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Elder law is a far-ranging topic, and it encompasses everything from Medicare to end-of-life documents. It would take several books to cover the topic thoroughly, and there are many resources available to those who want to know more about this area of law. However, the information below is a basic guide to the most common issues encountered in elder law.

Not Every Law is the Same

First, clients should understand that state and federal rules cover different components of elder law. Because of the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause, federal law trumps state law where conflicts arise. This typically isn’t an issue as states’ legislatures write statutes within the federal framework.

Medicaid and Medicare are Different

Most people know Medicaid and Medicare both concern health insurance and that the programs may be a part of life as they age. However, most do not know the differences between the programs, and they may not adequately plan an estate as a result. While Medicare provides basic health coverage to those 65 and older, Medicaid has financial requirements to meet. Failure to understand the requirements and to hire one of the Elder Law Lawyers in Storrs CT can result in a client exhausting their financial resources before they become eligible for Medicare, leaving a smaller estate to heirs.

It’s Important to Assess the Known and the Unknowns

Many parts of elder law figure prominently in everyone’s future as they age, but most people aren’t even aware of them. Those approaching Medicare eligibility should consult an estate planning attorney for help in preparing for the future, which includes learning about the law and making hard decisions. Most estate planning and Elder Law Lawyers in Storrs CT say that up to half of their services are driven by necessity, which means they are hired to handle emergencies because of the clients cannot.

A Competent Attorney is Worth the Fee

In many cases, a person approaching their elder years will be reluctant to pay an attorney for elder care and estate planning. Many people try to plan their own estates, and they make mistakes that cost themselves and their families thousands of dollars. It’s been said that one gets what they pay for, and this applies equally to the field of elder law. If a client hires a knowledgeable attorney with Kahan Kerensky and Capossela LLP in the beginning, they can enjoy their golden years without worrying that their wishes won’t be followed.