Prior to discussing the financial value of accidents involving semi-trucks, it is important to realize that accidents like this are completely different than those involving only passenger-style vehicles. Since a semi-truck is involved, it is completely possible that one, or more, commercial insurance policies are in use. These policies are regulated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, or the FMCSA, and don’t follow the same rules that policies for passenger vehicles do. It is not uncommon that lawyers uncover insurance policies after truck accidents in Harford County, MD for $1 million or more.
What determines the value of a semi-truck accident claim?
There are a number of factors that need to be considered when determining what a person may be able to receive after truck accidents in Harford County, MD:
* The total amount of their medical bills
* If they have lost wages
* How severe the injuries were
* Pain and suffering
* Loss of companionship
Even if a person’s claim includes more factors than just the ones listed here, it is important to realize that no lawyer will provide a dollar amount until the claim is fully investigated.
Why should a person take their time when settling a semi-truck claim?
Insurance companies are extremely notorious for trying to get a victim settle their semi-truck accident claims as quickly as possible. This is especially true when semi-trucks are involved. The sole reason for this is because the insurance company stands to lose quite a bit of money on these claims.
When it comes to semi-truck accidents, it is better to hire a lawyer as early in the claim process as possible. They will investigate the accident and ensure the highest amount of compensation is fought for. If a person wants to learn more about semi-truck lawsuits, they should visit the website. Being informed is the way to get the deserved settlement.