If you have served in the military, you know the time you spent serving your country. The rewards are not great, but there are many reasons why someone chooses that life. One thing is certain, no one should be denied the benefits they are entitled to after their years of service are over. VA disability lawyers can ensure you get the compensation you are entitled to.
Understanding VA Disability
If you were injured or became sick while serving in the military, or your service made a health condition worse, you are entitled to monthly compensation. The compensation covers physical as well as mental health conditions. You can still receive compensation even if the issue, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, does not show up until after your service is over.
Unfortunately, no person is responsible for ensuring you understand what you have earned and help you receive the compensation that you deserve. You must initiate the process on your own. Navigating the disability system can be confusing. Like most things involving the government, there is paperwork and documentation required. The process can seem overwhelming and it is not unusual to be denied when you initially file.
VA disability lawyers understand how the process works. They have experience filling out the required paperwork and ensuring that your documentation is in order. They understand what the decision-makers are looking for and how to move through the claims process. If the initial filing is rejected, they can carefully craft an appeal for your case.
If you are suffering from health problems related to your years of service, get in touch with Jackson & MacNichol. They have VA disability lawyers and are here to help.