One of the most traumatic and distressing events in the life of an individual is a divorce. Some say that it feels worse than losing a loved one. Putting an end to a crumbling marriage becomes even more difficult due to the complex nature of the divorce process. Added to this is the emotional stress of having to deal with child support and custody issues as well as the division of assets. For some individuals, it is the only time in which they will have extensive dealings with the court system.
To the uninitiated, the legal process may be very complex and confusing. This confusion can become frustrating when dealing with the emotional garbage that comes with a divorce. This is why it is very important to have a dependable and trustworthy Divorce Attorney in Manchester CT. The divorce attorney usually combines a host of titles and job descriptions which include the friend, confidant, therapist, and legal adviser. Therefore, it is very essential that great care be taken to choose an attorney that will help one navigate this turbulent times and come out unscathed. These steps should guide individuals in choosing the right Divorce Attorney in Manchester CT to adequately represent their interests.
First and foremost, it is important that clients realize that the sole job of a divorce attorney is to advise and represent them during the court proceedings of the divorce. They are there to ensure that all assets and custody issues are resolved according to the law. It is unreasonable to expect them to listen to all the pain, frustration, anger and sadness that are the hallmarks of most divorce proceedings. Treat them professionally, and they’ll render the best legal service they can.
Only hire divorce attorneys that one feels comfortable with. Most attorneys are just in the business to get paid. They can take advantage of the emotional state of the client to ensure that they get paid a whole lot more. Caring divorce attorneys, especially those at Kahan, Kerensky and Capossela LLP, take a time to listen to the client’s side of the story. Then based on what they hear, they give legal advice that is consistent with the law. There are no guarantees in a divorce proceeding, but with the right attorney, the process can be as painless as possible.