3 Questions to Ask Your Veteran’s Benefits Lawyer Before Hiring Them

by | Apr 27, 2021 | Attorneys

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The VA is often a confusing and complicated system to navigate. Whether you are looking for your eligibility, filing an appeal, or trying to understand the benefits offered by the VA, it can be difficult to find good advice from someone who understands what they are talking about. This blog post lists three questions that veterans should ask their veterans benefits lawyers in Maine before hiring them.

What Is Their Experience With Your Type of Case?

One of the first questions you should ask your lawyer is what their experience is with your type of case. Often times there are many intricacies to types of cases that a lawyer may not have any experience with. This can lead to issues in the legal process and prolong your case for years, which is why it’s important you find out about their level of awareness before hiring them.

Do They Have Any Specialties in the Area of Law That You Need Help With?

Another important question to ask your lawyer is if they have any specialties in the area of law that you need help with. Specialized lawyers are often better at handling particular cases than generalist ones, so it’s well worth finding one who has a specialty relevant to your case.

How Long Will It Take to Get a Resolution on Your Case?

One of the most important questions to ask your lawyer is how long it will take to get a resolution on your case. If you have an urgent matter, then this answer can be crucial when making the decision of who should represent and help with these issues in court. If you’re in need of a veterans benefits lawyer in Maine, reach out to Jackson & MacNichol Law Offices today.