You have just been charged with a crime. It’s your first arrest and first time in jail. You are upset and scared. That is when you need to call a bail bonds service to help you get out of confinement. It is difficult to concentrate if you are in unfamiliar surroundings, especially if those surroundings are behind bars.
Where to Check Online
If you check out a site such as, you will find that bonds that are used to post bail come in various forms. Bond may come in the form of an appeal bond, property bond, cash bond, transfer bond, and appearance and own recognizance bond.
A Variety of Bond Types
You can also go through a service that features 24-hour bail bonds in Kingwood, WV and obtain theft and homicide bonds, domestic violence bonds, traffic bonds, signature bonds, assault bonds, and business crimes bonds. Whatever type of bond you need, it represents a financial assurance to the court that you will appear in court on the appointed date and at the appointed time.
How the Fee or Premium Is Set
Usually 24-hour bail bonds set a fee or bail bond premium at 10% of the total bail. If your bail is $10,000, the fee is typically $1000. Fees are assessed and overseen by a state’s department of insurance as well as the local court system.
How Long Do the Bonds Remain Valid?
Any 24-hours bail bonds that are issued are good until a case is closed or when the court drops the arrestee’s charges. Once a bond is officially posted and accepted judicially, a liability is Imposed. When this happens, the agency receives the premium and the amount cannot be refunded. Bonds are generally posted in the court.
Ask Questions About the Financial Obligation: Know What You Owe
If you have concerns along these lines, you need to speak to a bail bond service that offers a full line of bonds for your convenience. Make sure that you understand the posting process and what you or another party will owe, whether you have been charged or a loved one has been arrested. You can connect with them on Facebook for more updates!