What Can You Expect From Your First Appointment with the Divorce Law Firm Rockville Centre, NY

by | Aug 22, 2019 | Lawyer

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The first meeting with the Divorce Law Firm Rockville Centre NY can often cause individuals to feel a little stressed. These appointments are beneficial in many ways, and it is important individuals are prepared for the meeting. Being prepared will set a person’s mind at ease and help them to be less nervous in the process.

What Can Individuals Expect?

What happens at the first meeting with the Divorce Law Firm Rockville Centre NY will depend on what is occurring in the divorce. Some people end up waiting to seek help from a lawyer until their divorce papers have already been filed. Others hire a lawyer from the very beginning, even when they are unsure if divorce is the answer.

It is imperative individuals are prepared to share their marriage narrative so the lawyer will be fully informed. The more pertinent information the individual shares, the better equipped the lawyer will be to help their client.

Often, individuals come in with general questions about divorce. The lawyer will provide information on the divorce laws in the state and the rights the individual holds. The attorney will also inform the client of the steps involved in the process and the costs.

How Will the Lawyer Help?

Going through a divorce without legal help is not wise. The lawyer will help their client through the entire process, including the filing of the divorce paperwork. The lawyer will meet with the spouse’s lawyer or negotiation meetings. These are crucial for ensuring a fair divorce settlement is reached.

Sometimes, couples cannot decide on a divorce agreement and end up having to go to court. When this happens, a family law judge ends up making the decision on the divorce agreement, including child support, custody, and spousal support.

If you would like to learn more about the services of a divorce lawyer, Click Here. Call the office of Simon & Milner right away and ask them to schedule a consultation appointment for you to get started. They will be happy to meet with you and give you information that will help. Call today to get the legal help you need.