Top Four Questions Victims Ask Auto Accident Attorneys in Olympia, WA

by | Nov 29, 2016 | Accident Attorneys

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Filing an accident claim can be stressful enough, but it becomes even more so when the insurance company is not doing its part to settle fairly. Even if the insurance company seems unfair in their practices, it is crucial an injured victim does not give up and continues to pursue the one who caused their injuries. One of the most important things victims can do when pursuing their claim is to hire an attorney to help them. At the first meeting, victims often have a lot of questions to ask the auto accident attorneys in Olympia WA.

These are the top four questions victims ask their attorney.

  • Will the case hold up in court? Knowing whether or not a victim has a viable claim is crucial for their pursuit. If the claim will not hold up in court, this likely means there is little evidence to prove liability. Knowing this information before wasting time in the process will prevent aggravation for victims.
  • How much is the claim worth? It is imperative victims know how much their claim is worth, especially if they plan on pursuing it alone. Knowing the value of the claim will help victims to prevent settling for less than their claim is worth. This is of great importance when dealing with the insurance company.
  • How long will settlement take? This question is tougher to answer than some, but the attorney can often give a timetable to help victims understand how their case will progress if no complications arise.
  • What happens if the claim is denied? Victims want to know what they can expect should the process take an unexpected turn and the insurance company denies them their claim. Knowing the legal recourses, a victim has can set their mind at ease and make them feel more confident as they pursue the insurance company.

If you are a victim of a serious auto accident and are meeting with the Auto Accident Attorneys in Olympia WA, these are some questions you can get answers for. Contact the Putnam Lieb Potvin Attorneys so they can schedule your consultation appointment to help you get the compensation for your injuries.