Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer in Queens County, NY Help Uphold Victims’ Rights

by | Jun 17, 2016 | Lawyer

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Most people don’t give much thought to their safety when walking on a sidewalk, a carpeted office floor or a parking lot. Once that first fall at a construction site, office building or even home occurs, the chances are pretty high that a person will exude more caution and care as a result. Sometimes care and caution are not enough. There are some conditions, such as the weather, which will increase the odds of a fall and that simply cannot be avoided. However, when the circumstances of a fall where an individual or company was negligent come into play, then the necessity also arises to take a prudent course of action. It requires that the negligent one takes the legal responsibility, and the person who fell, got hurt and sustained an injury gets the proper care they’re entitled to under the provisions of the law.

There are numerous other causes that slip and fall accidents occur, and evidence shows that the number one cause is due to wet conditions and uneven surfaces. Ranking close to the wet conditions is a person’s footwear or even poor training on the job to help prevent and reduce the odds of falling. When disaster strikes, contact the Law Office of Steven R. Smith for learning your next course of action when injuries have occurred. Browse his law office website for contact information. It is crucial for the accident victim to explore their rights, and that can best be served through a slip and fall accident lawyer in Queens County, NY.

It is best to error on the side of caution as the old adage stipulates than do nothing at all after a slip and fall accident. With the added caution comes an improved chance of getting the care that a person is entitled to. The average person does not have the law knowledge to proceed without inadvertently forfeiting these rights by ignorance or inaction. Since a slip and fall accident lawyer in Queens County, NY understands the workings of the law, it is to an accident victim’s advantage to utilize their services and to get what is rightfully theirs. The average person does not have the law knowledge to proceed without inadvertently forfeiting these rights by ignorance or inaction. Visit website for more information.