If You Haven’t Been Arrested Yet, Should You Talk to a Criminal Defense Attorney in Columbus, IN?

by | Aug 26, 2019 | Lawyers

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Most arrests happen because someone was caught doing something wrong. However, there are also arrests that occur at the end of a long investigation. Many times, the person being investigated is aware that this is happening and will be worried about a possible arrest. Even though they haven’t been arrested yet, the person can still speak with a Criminal Defense Attorney in Columbus IN to get help.

Talk to an Attorney Before the Police

Talking to the police alone is never a good idea. Though a person might believe they’re being careful with what is said, the police can take what they say out of context and use it against them in court. Instead, someone who is suspected of committing a crime should speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. The lawyer can help with questioning, even if their client hasn’t been arrested yet, to avoid issues based on what was said during the interview.

Start Gathering Evidence to Defend Against the Charges

An attorney doesn’t need to wait for the arrest to occur before they start gathering evidence that can help their client. Attorneys can start collecting evidence and working on a defense as soon as they know what the possible charges are, so it’s important for the person under suspicion to contact a lawyer quickly. Depending on the evidence, it could disappear before the arrest occurs.

Let the Attorney Handle Everything

Being under suspicion for a crime is stressful and it means the person needs to be aware of everything they do and what they say to those who know them. An attorney can provide advice for handling any situation during this period so their client doesn’t say something to a friend that ends up being relayed to investigating officers.

If you’re under suspicion for committing a crime and believe the police are investigating you, don’t wait to be arrested before seeking help. Instead, contact a Criminal Defense Attorney in Columbus IN so they can help you through this situation and ensure you have the needed support when talking to the police. Visit the website for Alcorn Sage Schwartz & Magrath LLP now to learn more about how they can help if you’ve been arrested or think you might be arrested in the future.