In Texas, accidents that involve drunk drivers are more likely to lead to a fatality. These circumstances prevent the drunk driver from maintaining any control over their vehicle, which could lead to injuries sustained by individuals in other vehicles as well as pedestrians. The following are details about what could happen during a DWI driving accident in Laredo.
Personal Injuries Due to the Accident
These accidents almost always lead to some form of injuries. The circumstances and location of the accident define these probabilities. When simple injuries occur, it is possible for the victim to file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance policies. These claims can help them acquire the cost of medical treatment and any auto damage that occurred.
Disfigurements and Permanent Conditions
Any permanent conditions including disfigurements can affect the victim for the rest of their lives. In some accidents, these injuries aren’t reversible and could lead to serious psychological issues for the victim. They could also sustain a traumatic brain injury that could alter their personality entirely. If the victim dies, the driver could face more serious penalties than a standard DUI infraction.
Fatalities During a Drunk Driving Accident
Any time a fatality occurs, the state investigates the accident thoroughly. Under state law, all victims who died during an accident must undergo an autopsy, and the findings of these assessments define the exact cause of death. If the cause of death is linked directly to the accident injuries, the driver is charged accordingly.
Criminal Charges the Defendant Could Face
The drunk driver could face manslaughter charges based on the circumstances of the accident. These charges are often involuntary or involuntary vehicular manslaughter. However, if it is proven that the event wasn’t an accident, the driver could face vehicular homicide charges. The state imposes charges based on the outcome of the accident.
In Texas, accidents caused by drunk drivers indicate further criminal acts than a standard DUI in some cases. These circumstances could lead to a simplified murder charge based on the driver’s ability to control the vehicle.