When people under the age of 65 hire Social Security lawyers, they’re usually trying to get disability benefits. This process can be lengthy and isn’t something you want to do on your own. That’s why Social Security attorneys are always so busy and in court most of the time. With that in mind, following are some key reasons to hire a Social Security law firm.
Most attorneys at Social Security law firms in Wheaton, IL, are highly experienced. They handle multiple cases each day. These attorneys also know the disability laws and often the judges, too, which better enables them to assist you.
Coordinating Paperwork
To commence the disability claim process, you’ll need to fill out an application form, which includes many details about your disability and work history. After that, you may have to see physicians, a psychologist and other medical specialists to support your case. Your disability law firm will ensure you do everything the Social Security Administration requires to keep your case active.
Increasing Your Chances of Winning
Your Social Security law firm in Wheaton can significantly improve your chances of winning your disability case. Your attorney can help you with both appeals processes you’re typically granted if you proceed with your case. He or she will also appear at your hearing, offering key suggestions on how you should dress or answer the judge’s questions.
No Financial Obligation Unless You Win
In most cases, a Social Security law firm in Wheaton will not charge you any upfront legal fees. Instead, it will take a percentage of the back pay you’re awarded if you win your case. A disability attorney can not only assist you through the process of making a disability claim, but also help you win. You have nothing to lose.
Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd., has been helping people get Social Security disability benefits since 1988, and they can help you. For further information, go to https://www.rabinsslaw.com/.