When a person purchases a car, they often will do research on vehicles to find one that fits their lifestyle. When it comes time to purchase the automobile, they have a realistic expectation that vehicle will run efficiently and safely. What happens though when the car fails to reach these anticipations? From defective brakes to poor steering, consumers have a legal right to purchase an automobile that operates correctly. Michigan Lemon Law helps protect the residents of the state against purchasing a defective automobile and making the manufacturer take responsibility for selling a faulty product.
Know When to Consult an Attorney
When a person feels that their rights have been violated, it is important to contact an attorney right away. By consulting with an expert it can prevent any errors being made in a potential legal claim. When it comes to a manufacturer violating the lemon law, you have to give them a reasonable amount of time to correct the problem. Before a consumer can qualify under the lemon law, they must give the manufacturer ample opportunity of repairing the automobile. If the car has been repaired at least four times or has been out of service for over 30 days, the manufacturer is responsible for refunding the consumer for the car or replacing the vehicle.
Receive the Compensation you are due with a Trusted Law Firm
If you have given a manufacturer a reasonable amount of time to fix your automobile contact a reliable law firm to learn if you have a claim. Contact the experts at Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center®, they will meet with you and determine if you have a lemon law claim. Visit www.yourlemonlawrights.com they have over 21 years of experience in handling a variety of cases across the nation to help protect consumers’ rights against purchasing defective products.