Auto accidents involve a range of situations and vehicles, but collisions involving commercial vehicles are often more severe than the rest. These accidents demand a unique approach, an understanding of various issues, and determination. Here, readers will learn some of the most significant differences between car and truck accident claims, and why some attorneys can’t handle these cases.
Serious Injuries
Due to their weight, size and inability to stop quickly, tractor trailers and other large vehicles are some of the most dangerous on the roads. Therefore, these accidents are more likely to result in serious injury or death. A commercial vehicle accident may have far-reaching effects on families and victims, resulting in substantial emotional, financial, and physical damages. With an attorney’s help, a victim may be more likely to get the compensation they need to cover their long-term needs.
Unique Laws
Wrongful death and personal injury lawsuits are referred to as torts, and they involve the elements of liability and fault. Though such elements are the same in most injury cases, truck accident claims require an in-depth understanding of the state’s regulations and laws. That includes rules enforced by the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration). The FMCSA covers things such as weight restrictions, cargo securement, drug testing, licensing, hiring, and more.
Insurance Issues
Personal injury claims usually entail matters of insurance coverage, which is why an accident injury attorney in Macon, GA may stress the importance of PIP and uninsured motorist coverage. Commercial vehicle accidents have unique insurance considerations, including the size of the company’s policy. A larger insurance policy gives victims a greater opportunity to recover, but it also raises the stakes and prompts insurers to deny liability and do what they can to minimize payouts.
There’s no requirement to hire an accident injury attorney in Macon, GA when requesting compensation, but having legal representation may make a difference in a case’s outcome. In a complex trucking accident case, it’s important to choose an attorney with commercial vehicle accident experience.
Call Today
Trucking accidents are similar to auto accidents, but they’re different in many ways. Commercial vehicle accident lawyers understand these differences and they work within the law to help clients achieve the fairest outcome possible. Visit for more information or call today to schedule a consultation.
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